Supporting and Nurturing our Educators in Light of Covid-19.
As we turn the corner on one year of living in the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial for current and future educational success to address the mental health and vulnerability of the entire educational team as our schools reopen for students. As stated in the Whole School Whole Community Whole Child policy, the physical and mental wellness of our teachers and educators is critically important in creating safe and healthy learning environments - and must be prioritized and invested in at the school and district levels.
Under the bright light of COVID-19, we see more clearly that teachers and educators have demands and needs that far outstretch the provided resources to get support - creating a school climate of profound disconnection, trauma, and dissatisfaction. During this event, we invite educators to read statements on their experiences this year in a town-hall style circle, invite community organizers and organizations to share their additions to the roadmap to healing and wellness, and most notably hear from Founder/CEO of The Feeling Friends Company, Karen Cuthrell, on how Social Emotional Care for educators can be embedded in local school systems, creating a holistic, trauma-informed support for teachers and educators in a lasting way that prioritizes their wellness.
"Remember, it is hard to ask me to teach about food if I am starving myself."
-Karen Cuthrell

Ensure Educator Personal Support And Learning For Developmentally Supportive Education
Prioritize and Invest in Employee Wellness: mental and physical wellness of the entire educational team through strong preparation and mentoring that improve efficacy and reduce stress, mindfulness and stress management training, social-emotional learning programs that benefit both adults and children, and supportive administration. Take immediate and drastic steps to respond to the trauma and crisis of the entire educational team in response to COVID reopening.
Address the impact of compounding trauma on the Social and Emotional School Climate: Design pre-service preparation programs for both educators and administrators that provide a strong foundation in child and adolescent development and learning; knowledge of how to create engaging, effective instruction that is culturally responsive; skills for implementing social-emotional learning and restorative justice programs; and an understanding of how to work with families and community organizations to create a shared developmentally supportive approach. Include supervised clinical experiences in schools that model how to create (and for administrators, how to design and foster) a positive, developmentally supportive school climate for all students.
Dr. Josh Ziesel, Stress + Trauma Educator Experience
Dr. Josh Ziesel opens with an honest discussion about the stress and trauma educators experienced during the ongoing pandemic and the need to prioritize mental and socio-emotional well-being.
Educators Circle
Educators are invited to share their experiences in a town-hall style forum
Karen Cuthrell, Social and Emotional Toolbox for Educators
Karen Cuthrell of The Feelings Comapny will provide a learn-and-do session on social and emotional tools specific to educators.
Reimagine Healthy Schools
Roundtable discussion from educators, community organizers, and organizations who are committed to the relentless pursuit of healthy school climate and reimagine how we move forward.
28% of Educators said the pandemic made them more likely to leave teaching.
-The Washington Post

A vast majority of Teachers reported working longer hours.
-The Washington Post

Teachers' mental health suffers in ways they've never experienced. Only 25% said their school offered adequate support for mental health.
-National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

SEL is emotional nourishment for our students. As districts continue to mandate that educators continue to teach and nourish our children, it's time that we nourish our educators as well.
-The Feelings Company

Community for Safe Schools is a coalition of parents and community members organizing around issues of school safety and advocating for healthy school communities.
We value equal access to a quality public education that is adequately and equitably funded. We value a just society that respects the worth, dignity and equality of every individual. We value an informed membership that works collectively to advance and protect the rights, benefits and interests of education professionals and promote quality public education.
Action4Equity is a black-led, intentionally multi-racial coalition of educators, parents, students, faith leaders, and community members building a movement to advance racial equity for students in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools in the areas of academic achievement, access to high quality instruction, and safe and healthy school environments.
For over a decade, Love Out Loud has been building relational equity across racial, geographic, socio-economic, and generational lines through initiatives and events that bring together a wide range of partners.
Research shows that educators are at risk for poor social and emotional wellness. It is imperative that we provide the social and emotional self-care tools educators need for themselves so that they are equipped to deliver social and emotional learning lessons in the classroom with fidelity to their students.
Remember, it is hard to ask me to teach about food if I am starving myself.